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bunch of people shopping

Fun Shopping and Tasty Food!

Walk through our Holland Happening Street Fair, where amazing vendors from all over Western Washington will showcase their unique and diverse selection of foods and artisan goods.

klompen race

Klaar Voor Een Race? Race Your Klompen!

Join in the Klompen Races! The Chamber invites you to pre-order a wooden Klomp to decorate with bright colors and fun designs to race down the Klompen Canal during the Holland Happening Festival!

The Oak Harbor Chamber of Commerce will be pre-selling the wooden klompens beginning in April.

people walking in parade

Holland Happening Parade!

Saturday, April 27, 2024 | 11:00 AM

Come and join us Saturday Morning to celebrate our community and have some fun at the Holland Happening Day Parade. Watch as our community member’s show off their Dutch themed decorations, dances and treats.

band playing on stage

Pop-Up Plaza

Don’t miss out on the live music lineup on Historic Pioneer Way this afternoon! Local musicians will be performing for your entertainment. Come and enjoy the sounds of talented artists as you soak up the lively atmosphere. Oak Harbor Main Street has a lineup of local musicians to sing and play through the afternoon.

Plan Your Oak Harbor Adventure Today